GIS Based Spatial Data Analysis for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:trytry11
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Landslide susceptibility map delineates the potential zones for landslides occurrence. The paper presents a statistical approach through spatial data analysis in GIS for landslide susceptibility mapping in parts of Sikkim Himalaya. Six important causative factors for landslide occurrences were selected and corresponding thematic data layers were prepared in GIS. Topographic maps,satellite image,field data and published maps constitute the input data for thematic layer preparation. Numerical weights for different categories of these factors were determined based on a statistical approach and the weighted thematic layers were integrated in GIS environment to generate the landslide susceptibility map of the area. The landslide susceptibility map classifies the area into five different landslide susceptible zones i.e.,very high,high,moderate,low and very low. This map was validated using the existing landslide distribution in the area. Landslide susceptibility map delineates the potential zones for landslides occurrence. The paper presents a statistical approach through spatial data analysis in GIS for landslide susceptibility mapping in parts of Sikkim Himalaya. Six important causative factors for landslide occurrences were selected and corresponding thematic data layers were prepared in GIS. Topographic maps, satellite image, field data and published maps constitute the input data for thematic layer preparation. Numerical weights for different categories of these factors were determined based on a statistical approach and the weighted thematic layers were integrated in GIS environment to generate the landslide susceptibility map of the area. The landslide susceptibility map classifies the area into five different landslide susceptible zones ie, very high, high, moderate, low and very low. This map was validated using the existing landslide distribution in the area.
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文章简要回顾和总结了刘致平先生的学术思想,高度评价了他对中国古代建筑研究的开拓性贡献,并指出先生的治学态度、方法和成果都值得我们认真学习、继承和发扬。 The article
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