通用扩频组件(UFEM)有助于解决把微波接收机的工作频率范围从18GHz 扩展到40GHz 的复杂问题。信号情报(SIGINT)搜集系统己发展到进入较高的频段。先是高于12GHz,而现在是高于18GHz。由于雷达和通信己进到18~40GHz 频谱范围内,因此相应地提出了监视这些新的复杂的辐射源的要求。可惜,己经研制成的系统通
The Universal Spread Spectrum Component (UFEM) helps solve the complex problem of extending the operating frequency range of microwave receivers from 18 GHz to 40 GHz. Signal intelligence (SIGINT) collection system has been developed to enter the higher frequency band. First above 12GHz and now above 18GHz. As radar and communications have entered the 18-40 GHz spectral range, the need to monitor these new and complex sources of radiation has accordingly been raised. Unfortunately, the system has been developed into a system