当大齿轮的齿顶圆和小齿轮的基圆相交在啮合线上共轭作用的极限位置之外时,渐开线齿轮副就发生干涉。图中点A’表示的就是这种情况。 点A和B称作干涉点,表示一对齿轮共轭啮合作用的极限位置。这两个干涉点就是啮合线和大齿轮及小齿轮的基圆相切的点。如果不发生干涉,则一对齿轮
The involute gear pair interferes when the tip circle of the bull gear and the base circle of the pinion intersect outside the limit position of conjugate action on the meshing wire. This is what the point A ’in the figure shows. Points A and B are called interference points and represent the extreme positions of the conjugate meshing action of a pair of gears. These two points of interference are the points where the meshing line tangent to the base circle of the bull gear and pinion. If it does not interfere, then a pair of gears