
来源 :中国建筑史论汇刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MWinnie
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由于摄影具有忠实重现客观事实的特性,梁思成在中国古建筑历史的研究中,特别是在中国营造学社期间(1930—1940年),采用了摄影作为最主要的记录工具。但与当时其他的中国古建照片对比,尤其与日本学者所拍摄的调研照片相比较,本文强调摄影在当时也是对于中国建筑文物的一种论述方式。梁思成的调研照片不但重新建构中国古代建筑在现代中国的重要性,更引发对于中国古代遗产一种怀旧的省思。处在动荡年代的中国,只有透过摄影影像才能将这些客观的建构与主观的省思保存和记录下来。 Because photography has the characteristics of faithful reproduction of objective facts, Liang Sicheng adopted photography as the most important recording tool in the study of the history of Chinese ancient architecture, especially during the establishment of the Chinese Society of Studies (1910-1940). However, compared with other ancient Chinese photographs of the time, especially compared with the survey photographs taken by Japanese scholars, this article emphasizes that photography was also a way of discussing Chinese architectural relics at that time. Liang Sicheng’s survey photos not only reconstructed the importance of ancient Chinese architecture in modern China, but also triggered a nostalgic reflection on ancient Chinese heritage. In the turbulent era of China, it is only through photographic images that these objective constructions and subjective reflections can be preserved and recorded.
摘要 本文论述的是中国私家园林建筑产生的背景、条件,并且按时间顺序,依照私家园林建筑风格形成阶段,论述了中式私家园林的历史发展、风格流派,通过对不同阶段的代表园林进行分析,把中式私家园林的历史发展和风格演变的脉络清晰地展现出来。  关键词:中式园林建筑 起源 历史发展  中图分类号:TU986.5 文献标识码:A    园林,在中国古籍里根据不同的性质也称作园、苑、园墅、池馆、山池、山庄、别墅、别