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为了保证常州红星大厦平移施工过程的安全和评价平移就位后结构的性能,对该建筑物平移施工全过程进行了实时监测。分别在结构顶层和层1布置了加速度传感器以监测结构的振动响应,在柱根部、上托架梁底部和下轨道梁顶部等关键部位布置了应变传感器以监测结构的应变。监测结果表明:首次启动和顶推机构失效会引起较大的结构振动,正常平移过程中结构的振动与普通结构在环境激励下的振动相当;平移施工过程在上部结构中引起的附加应变可以忽略不计,在轨道中引起的应变较大,设计时需要引起重视。实时监测数据为结构平移施工过程提供技术支撑,监测结果可为以后的平移工程设计和施工提供参考。 In order to ensure the safety of Changzhou Hongxing Building during the translational construction and evaluate the performance of the structure after translation, the whole process of translational construction of the building was monitored in real time. Acceleration sensors are placed on the top of the structure and layer 1 respectively to monitor the vibration response of the structure. Strain sensors are installed at key locations such as the root of the column, the bottom of the upper bracket beam and the top of the lower rail so as to monitor the structural strain. The monitoring results show that the first start-up and pushing mechanism failure will cause large structural vibration. The vibration of normal structure is equivalent to that of normal structure under the environment excitation. The additional strain caused by the translational construction process in the superstructure can be neglected Excluding the strain caused by the larger track, the design needs attention. The real-time monitoring data provide technical support for the structural translation construction process, and the monitoring results can provide reference for the future translation engineering design and construction.
《读书》(一九九六年五月)上樊骏等三人对话录,讨论《二十世纪中国文学图志》打破过去清一色文学史教科书的写法,而有主干有枝蔓,有树木,有林野花草。樊骏回忆六十年代初周扬说过,“西方有的文学史写进文人的生活状态,插入一些轶事掌故,能增加读书的趣味。”  这话使我联想到两位文化大师的主张和实践。  一位是鲁迅大师。他曾说过:“外国的平易地讲学术文艺的书,往往夹杂些闲话或笑谈,使得增添活气,读者感到格外的