【摘 要】
Most of us have heard the story of Debrahlee Lorenzana,the 33-year-old N.Y. woman who sued Citibank recently,.claiming that she was fired from her desk job for being"too hot."
Most of us have heard the story of Debrahlee Lorenzana,the 33-year-old N.Y. woman who sued Citibank recently,.claiming that she was fired from her desk job for being"too hot."
Alice In Wonderland(《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》)中,Alice问道:“What is the use 0f a book without pictures or conversations?”在今天的校园里,如果谁敢问这样一个问题,大概要算得上大逆不道了。不过,古代西方的书的确曾经是美丽的——不仅有文字,还有图画,可能后者更有吸引力,因为那时真正识字的大多是僧侣,即便很多皇室人员,按
When I was a little girl, my mother would put a teaspoon of sugar, maybe two, in my glass of orange juice.
I was walking out of a groovy East Village bar in Manhattan this week when a man, extending long arms to remove his raincoat, punched me in the back.
Like the rest of the world, I was captivated by the images of the eruption of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland. That such a tiny country could extend its influence over the rest of world robust
Say "cheese." If you say cheese, you are ready for the photographer to render a picture-perfect portrait complete with smile. That's the way it has been since around 1920, when photographers at Briti
"We need a short bio of yourself to accompany the story, just some background for readers. Thanks."
1 1aptop:笔记本电脑。 2 flask:长颈瓶;lemonade:柠檬(汽)水;ginger cookie:姜汁饼干。 3 Zimbabwe:津巴布韦,非洲南部一国家。 4 bushy:植物茂密的;scrapland:废弃之地;shimmy:扭肩摆臀。