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东国制钢(株)浦项钢厂荣获2011年韩国全国质量管理大会设备管理领域总统奖金融危机后,人们开始重新审视像钢铁产业等一度被称为“烟筒产业”的制造业的重要性。在金融危机中,德国、瑞典等国家受到的冲击相对小一些,正是由于这些国家的制造业发达、能够创造更多就业机会,从而带动实体经济的发展。那么,是谁开创了韩国制 After Dongguk Steel’s POSCO won the 2011 Korea National Quality Management Conference President’s Award for Equipment Management in the wake of the financial crisis, people began to re-examine manufacturing industries once known as the “chimney industry” like the steel industry importance. In the financial crisis, the impact of Germany, Sweden and other countries is relatively small, precisely because these countries have developed manufacturing industries that can create more employment opportunities and thus boost the real economy. So, who created a Korean system
1 Introduction It is known that more than 300 lakes and lagoons are present in the Crimean Peninsula,which are divided depending on position to 7 groups:Perekop
Two consecutive magnetic flux ropes, separated by less than 30 s(Dt 30 s), are observed within one magnetic reconnection diffusion region without strong guide
Salt stratified Lake Shira has been the subject of an extensive body of research because of its central role in existence of the resort area of Khakassia.The aim of previous research has been directed
近期,从四川市场传来好消息,在四川电信召开的2006年供应商年会上,烽火网络从2000多个供应商中脱颖而出,荣获“优秀供应商”称号。 Recently, good news came from Sichuan
睑阵挛伴有或不伴有失神癫发作 ,在 2 0 0 1年国际癫发作分类中单独列为泛化性癫发作的一种类型。我院电视录像脑电图 (videoEEG)监测诊断 1例睑阵挛伴失神癫发作 ,
王老吉凉茶是中国广东著名凉茶,于清道光年间(约1830年)由广东鹤山人王泽邦(乳名阿吉)所创。而这一品牌的创意,则是来自林则徐。  林则徐任钦差大臣后,初到广东,因查禁鸦片烟时操劳过度,加上水土不服,又患上感冒等症。他的随从听闻十三行的王泽邦有解暑治感良方,遂去为林则徐求药。林则徐服下一包草药后,诸多症状皆消失。林则徐登门答谢王泽邦时得知王泽邦都不过以平价草药来医治,更有感而发,提议他将药方制成凉
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Meromictic lakes are interesting objects for study in terms of paleolimnology.The lamination of the bottom sediments well expressed in.these lakes.It is related with permanent stratification of the wa
An ion flux dropout near the dipolarization front(DF) at around XGSM=-11 REin the Earth’s plasma sheet was observed by Time History of Events and Macroscale In