1.油田清污水计量现状和存在问题 目前油田清污水计量中主要存在以下问题: (1)水表安装环境差。在水计量交接点中,部分仪表长期处于水淹或冰封状态,管理人员无法对仪表进行读数和维护。 (2)工艺安装不满足水表的计量要求。主要表现为:①目
1. Oilfield clean water measurement status and existing problems At present, there are mainly the following problems in oilfield clean water measurement: (1) poor water meter installation environment. In the water measuring junction, some of the instruments are flooded or frozen for a long time, and managers can not read and maintain the instruments. (2) process does not meet the installation of water metering requirements. Mainly as follows: ① head