笔者于 1999~ 2 0 0 0年进行了荔枝 (龙眼 )苗圃杂草的发生观察与防除试验 ,据定点调查 ,荔枝 (龙眼 )苗圃常见的杂草有 8科 15种 ,主要为茜草科猪殃殃 ,玄参科婆婆纳 ,禾本科看麦娘、早熟禾网草 ,豆科苜蓿 ,石竹科卷耳等。其中阔叶草占 71.3% ,禾本科草占 2 8.7% ,主要优势种
The author observed the occurrence and control of weeds in the litchi (longan) nursery from 1999 to 2000. According to the fixed-point survey, the common weed in litchi (longan) nursery was 8 families and 15 species, mainly including the weeds Calamity, Scrophulariaceae Veronica, Gramineae Ophiopogon, Poaceae, leguminous alfalfa, Dianthus subjects roll ears. Among them, 71.3% of broad-leaved grass, grass accounted for 2 8.7%, the main dominant species