中国国际广播电台创建于上个世纪40年代初。目前,每天使用38种外语以及汉语普通话和4种中国方言向全球广播270小时,就所使用的语种数量.播出时间和听众反馈来信数量而言,已成为世界主要国际广播电台之一。 在努力办好广播节目的同时,中国国际广播电台近年来还不断升辟新的传播领域,向音频、视频、网络、报刊——体化的复合型对外传媒的目标迈进,其中中国国际广播电
China Radio International was founded in the early 1940s. At present, the daily broadcast of 38 hours of 38 languages, as well as Mandarin Chinese and 4 Chinese dialects to the world, has become one of the world’s major international radio stations in terms of the number of languages spoken, the time of broadcast and the amount of feedback from listeners. While endeavoring to do a good job of radio programs, China Radio International has also continuously promoted new fields of communication in recent years and has made progress toward the goal of a composite external media of audio, video, internet and newspaper-culture. Among them, China Radio International