由太原理工大学与河北金牛能源股份有限公司合作研制的“跳汰机多参数自动寻优模糊控制系统”,近日在邢台通过了山西省科技厅组织的专家鉴定。与会专家听取了课题组汇报 ,参观考察了邢台煤矿选煤厂系统运行现场。一致认为 ,该系统是迄今为止过程信息最完善、控制功能最强的跳汰
By the Taiyuan University of Technology and Hebei Jinniu Energy Co., Ltd. jointly developed the “Jigging multi-parameter automatic optimization fuzzy control system” recently passed in Xingtai, Shanxi Provincial Science and Technology Agency experts identified. Experts listened to the group report, visited the Xingtai Coal Preparation Plant operating system. It is agreed that the system is by far the most complete process information, the strongest control jig