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自身免疫性溶血性贫血(简称AIHA)较罕见,1959年丹麦报告23万人口中的年发病率为1/75,000人,另一资料报告230万人口中年发病率为1/80,000人。本病极易为外科医生误诊。特报告一例如下。病例:男,50岁。主因黄疸、脾大2年入院。曾内科诊断为“肝炎”,治疗无效。查体:慢性重病容,巩膜轻度黄染。肝上界第六肋间,下缘肋下3cm;脾大:甲乙线6cm,丙丁线12cm,戊己线4cm。B超报告:门脉高压、脾大,肝硬化。上消化道造影未见器质性病变。Hb50g/L,RBC1.6×10~(12)/L,WBC4×10~9/L,BPC80×10~9/L,网织红 Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is rare, with 1 in 75,000 reported in Denmark in 1959 and another 1 / 80,000 reported in the other population of 2.3 million. The disease is easily misdiagnosed as a surgeon. A special report is as follows. Case: Male, 50 years old. Main jaundice, splenomegaly admitted for 2 years. Medical diagnosis of “hepatitis”, treatment is invalid. Physical examination: chronic severe disease, scleral mild yellow dye. Liver upper boundary of the sixth intercostal, the lower edge of ribs 3cm; splenomegaly: A line B 6cm, Ding Ding line 12cm, Pei line 4cm. B-report: portal hypertension, splenomegaly, cirrhosis. Upper gastrointestinal imaging no organic disease. Hb50g / L, RBC1.6 × 10-12 / L, WBC4 × 10-9 / L, BPC80 × 10-9 / L, reticulocyte red