学习诸城、四达公司经验 打好 “三大战役”——在诸城机械工业企业改革与管理研讨会上的开幕词

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本期以较大的篇幅刊登了经机械工业部领导批准,由部经济管理研究院在山东诸城市召开的机械工业企业改革与管理研讨会的成果资料。研讨会的内容是学习研讨诸城四达绝缘材料股份有限公司(以下简称四达公司)实行改制、尤其是推行“倒逼成本管理法”的经验。四达公司董事长兼总经理窦宝荣同志荣幸地参加了今年5月份,由江泽民总书记主持召开的四省市、八家企业负责人参加的关于企业改革与发展座谈会。在这次座谈会上,窦宝荣同志汇报了四达公司实行改革和推行“倒逼成本管理法”的做法和取得的成绩。采取什么样的态度对待座谈会上介绍的经验,江泽民总书记作了如下指示:“第一要高度重视;第二,要给予支持和帮助,使其不断完善;第三,要结合实际学习和借鉴”。根据江泽民总书记这一指示,将四达公司的经验和研讨会上各位领导、专家学者的发言刊登出来,供大家学习、借鉴,并希望机械工业企业,尤其是处于困境的企业,结合自身实际找出一条路子来,搞活企业,提高自身的经济运行质量和经济效益,实现由社会主义计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制的转变、经济增长方式由粗放型向集约型的转变,打好产品质量翻身、组织结构优化、开发能力提高三大战役。 In this issue, a large space was published on the results of the seminar on the reform and management of mechanical industrial enterprises held by the Ministry of Economics and Management in Zhucheng, Shandong, approved by the leaders of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The content of the seminar was to study and research Zhucheng Sida Insulation Materials Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Suda Corporation”) and implement the reform, especially the “Force Cost Management Law” experience. Mr. Dou Baorong, chairman and general manager of Sida Corporation, was honoured to participate in the seminar on enterprise reform and development attended by the four provinces and municipalities and eight business leaders hosted by General Secretary Jiang Zemin in May this year. At this symposium, Comrade Dou Baorong reported on the implementation of the reforms and implementation of the “Force Cost Management Law” by the company and its achievements. What kind of attitude is adopted to deal with the experience introduced at the symposium? General Secretary Jiang Zemin made the following instructions: “First, we must attach great importance; Second, we must give support and help to make it constantly improve; Third, we must combine practical learning with Learn from." According to General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s instructions, the company’s experience and the speeches of leaders, experts and scholars at the symposium were published for everyone’s study and reference. It is hoped that the machinery industry enterprises, especially those in trouble, will combine their own realities. Find a way to invigorate the enterprise, improve its own economic operation quality and economic benefits, realize the transformation from a planned socialist economic system to a socialist market economic system, change the mode of economic growth from extensive to intensive, and lay a good product The three major battles are the turning of quality, the optimization of organizational structure and the improvement of development capabilities.
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记者赵华民 国家经济贸易委员会资源节约综合利用司于1995年12月19日至22日在昆明市召开全国设备管理工作座谈会。国家经贸委资源司副司长左立明到会并作重要讲话。全国各省