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类风湿关节炎——一个危害世界人口达3%的疾病,一个全球性尚未攻破的医学难题,一个被人们称之为“不死的癌症”的顽疾,一种使患者终生忍受病痛折磨的痹症,终于被人类所降服。嗟乎,人类之大幸也! 他从炎帝神农氏的故乡走来,他怀揣八代祖传的绝技走进军营,他致力于类风湿研究达数年之久,他研制的“神农七特疗法”为上万名类风湿病人解除了病痛,他的医学论文获科学进步奖,他连续3次荣立二等功。他——万平,一名年轻的中医师,北京武警总队第二医院类风湿治疗中心主任。 Rheumatoid arthritis - a disease that affects 3% of the world’s population, a global medical problem that has yet to be breached, a stubborn illness known as “undead cancer,” a rheumatism that afflicts patients with life-long pain, Finally surrendered by humans. Almost, the great fortune of mankind! He came from Yannong Shennong’s hometown, he carries eight generations of ancestral skills into the barracks, he is committed to rheumatoid research for several years, he developed “Shennong seven special therapy” as Tens of thousands of patients with rheumatoid relieve the pain, his medical thesis by the scientific progress award, he won three times in succession second-class work. He - Wanping, a young Chinese doctor, Beijing Armed Police Corps Hospital, rheumatoid arthritis treatment center director.
  There is a very natural way to extend Calder{o}ns calculations which generated his commutators and the Cauchy integral on Lipschitz curves,to include operat
  We will discuss some recent results in the direction of sharp constants for the Moser-Trudinger inequality and Adams inequality in high order Sobolev spaces
  In this talk,we introduce the generalized area operators by using nonnegative measures defined on upper halp-spaces $R${n+1}_+$.The characterization of the