4月9日~13日,大族冠华在东莞Print China 2011展览会上全线出击,以超强的阵容闪亮登场,多时段现场演示数字化流程,更有多款印前、印刷、印后设备全球首发。此次参展,在印刷设备方面,大族冠华带来了最新开发的高技术标准的印刷设备。不仅包括自动化程度高的GH664D大四开四色商务包装印刷机;全新高配
April 9 to 13, Han Guanhua Print China 2011 in Dongguan Exhibition full range of attacks, with a superb lineup debut, multi-time live demonstration of digital processes, more variety pre-press, printing, finishing equipment World premiere. The exhibition, in the printing equipment, Han Guohua has brought the latest development of high-tech standard printing equipment. Including not only the high degree of automation GH664D four four-color business packaging printing presses; new high with