采用析因实验设计 ,以尿碘含量显著减低 (P <0 0 5 )为标志的环境香烟烟雾 (ETS)和碘缺乏 (ID)双因素大鼠模型观察对微量元素的影响。结果发现 :产生协同效应有Se、I和Zn含量在甲状腺降低 ,Se和Zn含量在肝脏降低 ,而I和Cu含量增加 ,血中I含量下降。ETS因素使甲状腺I、Se和Zn含量均降低 ,肝脏Se和Cu含量下降 ,I含量增高 ,大脑Se和Zn含量降低 ;ID因素使甲状腺I、Se和Zn含量降低 ,肝Se和Li含量降低。Cu和Zn含量增加。提示 :ETS和ID联合作用 ,可引起多种微量元素代谢障碍 ,以Se和I贮备下降和利用异常变化为主。因此 ,补碘效果不明显时 ,应究其原因
The experimental design of factorial design was used to observe the effect of trace element on environmental cigarette smoke (ETS) and iodine deficiency (ID) two-factor rat model markedly reduced by urinary iodine (P <0.05). The results showed that there were synergistic effects of Se, I and Zn in the thyroid, Se and Zn in the liver decreased, and I and Cu increased, the blood I decreased. ETS factors reduced thyroid I, Se and Zn contents, decreased hepatic Se and Cu contents, increased I contents and decreased Se and Zn contents in the brain. ID factors reduced I, Se and Zn contents in the thyroid gland, and reduced hepatic Se and Li contents. Cu and Zn content increased. Tip: The combined effect of ETS and ID can cause a variety of metabolic disorders of trace elements, with Se and I reserves decreased and the use of abnormal changes based. Therefore, the effect of iodine deficiency is not obvious, should be the reason