6月8日,在北京莱太花卉有限公司的花卉拍卖大厅举行了一场别开生面的拍卖会。拍卖的不是花卉,而是正在建设中的莱太花街的店面。 拍卖现场热闹非凡,能容纳上百人的拍卖大厅内几乎座无虚席,来自亮马河、莱太及其它花卉市场的花商们互相打着招呼,拿着花街示意图三五成群地在一起讨论每个
On June 8, an extraordinary auction was held at the flower auction hall of Beijing Laitai Flower Co., Ltd. Auction is not flowers, but is under construction Laitaihua Street storefront. Auction lively crowded, can accommodate hundreds of people in the auction hall was almost packed, from the Liang Ma River, Lai Tai and other flower markets flower vendors greet each other, holding a street map in groups of three to five together to discuss each