资产证券化(Asset Securi-tization)是指金融机构将业已存在的贷款资产集中起来,通过创立以其为担保的证券,在资本市场上出售变现的一种融资手段。其实质是将流动性较低、但具有某种可预测现金收入属性的资产或资产组合转换为可转让工具,目的为盘活金融资产,改善资产质量,
Asset Securitization refers to the financial means by which financial institutions aggregate existing loan assets and sell them in the capital market by creating securities backed by them. Its essence is to convert assets or portfolios with low liquidity but with certain predictable cash receipts into transferable instruments with the purpose of activating financial assets and improving the quality of assets,