针对离场时隙分布式分配问题,阐述了航空公司和流量管理部门的博弈关系,建立了多Agent的博弈协调模型,提出了协调算法,并进行了算例分析。算例结果显示,应用博弈协调模型和协调算法,3个航空公司的延误时间分别为1 min、6 min和21 min,比RBS算法分配结果分别减少了10 min、6 min和2 min。算例结果说明多Agent的博弈协调模型及算法是可行的和有效的。
In view of the distributed distribution of departure time slots, the game relationship between airlines and the traffic management department is expounded, the game coordination model of multi-agent is established, the coordination algorithm is proposed, and the example analysis is carried out. The results of the example show that the delay time of the three airlines is 1 min, 6 min and 21 min, respectively, using game coordination model and coordination algorithm, which are 10 min, 6 min and 2 min less than the RBS algorithm allocation respectively. The results show that the multi-agent game coordination model and algorithm are feasible and effective.