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近几年来,青浦县年栽培茭白面积达4万亩次,每年有2.5万亩左右茭白要越冬,从11月至翌年2月初约90天时间,为茭白越冬期.茭白冬管质量的优劣对明年上半年两熟茭的早熟丰产乃至茭白产量、产值影响极大,这已被生产实践所证实.茭白冬管要达到的主要目的是,保证地下根基安全越冬和健壮生长.通过多年实践和积累,我们认为茭白冬管主要应抓好以下几项工作:一、挖除雄茭、灰茭秋茭采收结束后,在11月底—12月底,要挖尽田中的雄茭、灰茭,同时,挖去的空穴要及时用优良的种墩补上,这是茭白冬管中一条主要措施.二、割尽茭白老叶割除越冬夏茭老叶一般在12月中下旬进行.割除老叶有利于春季新芽的萌发,割叶部位的高低,可控制老墩茭新芽萌发数量.割下的枯叶应集中处理,以降低病虫基数.四月茭的割叶一般在2月上旬萌芽前进行.三、精选秋茭良种,育好茭苗选择4月份定植的新茭种苗,是冬管中另一项主要工作.选种方法:将9月份初选的种茭,通过复选、定选确定下来.选种的标准是:秋茭结茭早,采收集中,产量高,分蘖中等,茭肉形状标准,不易发青.取种时间一般在12月中旬.秋茭大田一般需种量为每亩350—400个小头.排种的秧田要干整,并施足基肥,种墩排列应保持水平.墩间应留有5cm的间隙,排好后即灌蘖水. In recent years, Qingpu County, the cultivation of white area of ​​40,000 acres of times, each year about 25,000 acres of scallop to winter, from November to early February the following year about 90 days, white wintering period. For the first half of next year, the yield and yield of early ripening and even yielding of Baishuang have a great impact, which has been confirmed by the production practice. 茭 The main purpose of the white winter pipe is to ensure the safety of the underground foundation for winter and robust growth. Through years of practice and Accumulation, we believe that the main work should be done in the following several work: First, to dig the male and female, gray 茭 autumn 茭 Harvest after the end of November to the end of December, we must try to make the fields of male 茭, gray 茭, At the same time, digging holes to promptly make up with good kinds of piers, which is a major measure in the winter white tube .In two, cut to make the old white leaves cut off the winter leaves are generally in mid-to-late December .Remove the old Leaf is conducive to the germination of spring sprouts, cut the leaves of the high and low, can control the germination of the old pier mound germination number of cut leaves should be concentrated to reduce pests and insect pests base. April mulberry leaf cut usually in early February germination Third, the selection of autumn 茭 seed, breeding 茭 seedlings choose 4 The new planting seedlings planted, is another major winter pipe work.Selection method: September species of the primaries, through the election, the election set.Selection criteria are: autumn 茭 茭 茭Early harvesting concentrated, high yield, medium tillering, pterygium shape standards, not easy to green .Calibration time is generally in mid-December. Autumn 茭 field generally required for the amount of 350-400 heads per acre. Seedling to dry whole, and the application of foot-based fertilizer, seed pier arrangement should be maintained level. Pier should leave a gap of 5cm, after irrigation that irrigation tillering water.
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