校园足球微课堂 姹紫嫣红聚芳菲——江苏省举办中小学体育教师足球微课教学评比活动

来源 :中国学校体育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lucas_f
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为贯彻落实国务院办公厅下发的《中国足球改革发展总体方案》和教育部等六部委《关于加快发展青少年校园足球的实施意见》,以及江苏省青少年校园足球工作会议精神,推动江苏省青少年校园足球工作开展和体育教学改革,以校园足球为突破口,推进校园足球文化建设,促进学生体魄强健和综合素质全面提升,为国家培养足球后备人才,充分展示校园足球教学 In order to implement the “Overall Plan for the Reform and Development of Chinese Football” issued by the General Office of the State Council and the “Ministerial Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Youth Soccer in Campus” issued by the six ministries and commissions such as the Ministry of Education and the spirit of the Youth Workshops for Football Camps in Jiangsu Province to promote the youth campuses in Jiangsu Province Football work and physical education reform to take the campus football as a breakthrough to promote the construction of campus football culture to promote a healthy physique and overall quality of students comprehensive promotion of national football reserve talents to fully demonstrate the campus football teaching