在乌鲁木齐市烈士陵园,有一座高大洁白的大理石墓碑,碑上镌刻着由董必武同志亲笔题写的“毛泽民烈士”几个大字,毛泽民烈士的英灵就长眠于此。五十余年前,这位忠贞不屈的共产党人、精明强干的理财能手被反动军阀盛世才秘密杀害,把自己的一腔热血洒在了天山脚下。然而,他为中华民族的解放事业和新疆各族人民的翻身解放所建立的功勋,永远都是不可磨灭的。 两个旧箱子就是他全部的财产 1942年9月17日,反动军阀盛世才端出蓄谋已久的所谓“共产党四·一二阴谋暴动案”,对在新疆工作的共产党人下了毒手。他派出全副武装的军警特务将我党在新
At the cemetery of martyrs in Urumqi, there is a tall and white marble tombstone engraved with the characters “Martyr Mao Mao” inscribed by Comrade Dong Biwu personally. The martyr Mao Zemin’s elixir rests there. More than 50 years ago, this loyal and unyielding communist, a shrewd and capable financial expert, was secretly killed by the reactionary warlord Sheng Shih-tsat and sprinkled his own spirits at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains. However, his contributions to the liberation of the Chinese nation and the liberation of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang will always be indelible. Two Old Boxes Are His Full Property On September 17, 1942, the so-called “conspiracy of the Communist Party of China in April 2005” that the so-called “conspiracy of the Communist Party of China” put forward long-awaited conspiracy by the warlords and took a poison to the Communists working in Xinjiang. He dispatched a fully armed military and police spy to keep our party in a new position