不管什么样的小说,其最后的目的,都在解开人物的心灵结构,为此,抓住感情结构的临界点,是关键的关键,但是,能获得成功,有所创造,有所突破的则属凤毛麟角。 有时作家借助于情节,但并非情节的一切组成部分都有利人物的心灵结构的解剖,过分完整、过分繁琐的外部动作可能掩盖内心的复杂层次的显现。 郁达夫在论及小说艺术时曾提出一个具体的办法,叫做“偶然事件”(incident)。对于一切
No matter what kind of novel, its ultimate goal is to untie the soul structure of a character. Therefore, grasping the critical point of the emotional structure is the key point. However, the success, the creation, and the breakthrough It is rare. Sometimes writers resort to the plot, but not all components of the plot benefit the anatomy of the psychic structure of the character, overcomplete, and overly cumbersome external actions may mask the appearance of complex layers of the heart. Yu Dafu put forward a concrete method when it comes to the art of fiction, called “incident”. For everything