继 1 997年被评为中国科协首届先进学会以来 ,中国林学会再接再励 ,继承发展 ,推陈出新 ,围绕党和国家发展林业科技事业的方针政策和科教兴林战略 ,在促进林业科技的繁荣和发展 ,促进林业科技的普及和推广 ,促进林业科技人才的成长和提高 ,探索学会改革和学会发展道路方面取得?
Following the 1st Advanced Society of China Association for Science and Technology in 1997, the Chinese Society of Forestry has made persistent efforts to promote development and innovation. Focusing on the guidelines and policies of the party and the state in developing forestry science and technology and the strategy of rejuvenating forestry by science and education, Prosperity and development, promote the popularization and promotion of forestry science and technology, promote the growth and improvement of forestry science and technology talents, and explore the ways to learn to reform and learn the development path?