通过田间试验 ,研究了水稻不同生育时期开沟深施氮肥对水稻叶片、叶鞘和茎秆干重以及生物产量和籽粒产量的影响 .结果表明 ,孕穗期开沟深施氮肥处理比分蘖期开沟、穗分化始期开沟和不开沟处理的水稻叶片干重保持最大值 (2 .9g/穴 )时间长 ,叶面积指数达到最大值 (LAI =8.9)后保持缓慢下降 ;叶鞘干重 (2 .7g/穴 )变化小 ;处理以后茎秆干重 (4.3g/穴 )稳步增加 .孕穗期开沟施肥处理的水稻生物产量(0 .73g·d-1/穴 )递增速度快 ,籽粒产量 (10 4 34kg·hm-2 )高 .与不开沟施肥相比 ,孕穗期开沟施氮对产量增加作用最大 ,为水稻开沟深施氮肥的最佳时期 ;其次为穗分化始期 ,分蘖期开沟施氮效果较差 ,但仍有一定的增产作用 .
The effects of nitrogen and nitrogen fertilizer on the dry weight, biomass, and grain yield of rice leaves, leaf sheaths and stems at different growth stages were studied in field experiments. The results showed that nitrogen application at the booting stage was more effective than nitrogen application at the tillering stage , Leaf dry weight (2 .9g / hole) was maintained for a long time and the leaf area index (LAI = 8.9) reached a maximum value (LAI = 8.9) (0.73 g · d-1), the dry weight of stalks (4.3 g / cave) increased steadily after treatment, and the yield of rice (0.73 g · d-1 / (10 4 34 kg · hm-2) .Compared with no-till fertilization, nitrogen application at the booting stage had the greatest effect on the yield increase, which was the best period for nitrogenous fertilizer application in deep-seeding ditch of rice, followed by the initiation of spike differentiation and tillering Period of nitrogen ditching less effective, but there is still a certain amount of stimulation.