从历史文化嬗变的角度来探讨民间中医药的发展状况,主要包括三个阶段:古代是民间中医药的成长期,民间中医是相对于服务皇室的医生而言,以服务于民间百姓的走方医为多;近代是民间中医药发展的鼎盛期,民间中医是相对于官办医疗机构以及西式医院诊所中的医生而言,仕医、太医以及民族医等也加入其中,数量大大增加;现代是民间中医药的衰退期,民间中医是相对于学院派中医而言的,泛指活跃在民间的,通过家传、师承、自学等方式传承中医药,多没有接受过医科院校专业教育,但有一技之长,临床常使用特色诊疗技术与验方,为患者提供中医药医疗保健服务的这类人员.由于国家诸多政策法规的出台,现代民间中医在数量上大大缩减.“,”This paper discussed the development status of folk Chinese medicine from the point of view of the historical and cultural evolution.Three stages are mainly included.Ancient times is the growth stage of folk Chinese medicine.Folk physicians were relative to those served the royal household.Most of them ate wandering practitioners who served the ordinary people.Modern times is the golden stage of folk Chinese medicine.Folk physicians were relative to those in official medical institutions and western hospitals or clinics.Many literary physicians,imperial physicians and minority nationality doctors turned into folk,which caused the number of folk physicians increasing greatly.Cunent times is the decline stage of folk Chinese medicine.Folk physicians are relative to academic traditional Chinese physicians.They are commonly active in the folk,have no professional education but a special skill,serve the people with their characteristic medical techniques and recipes.They inherit the special Chinese medical technologies and proved recipes by the way of family handing,apprenticing or self-studying.The number of folk physicians in current times reduces greatly because of the national relevant policies.