唐代诗人刘禹锡的《陋室铭》,构思巧妙,通俗清新,千古传吟,脍炙人口,后人推崇备至纷纷仿作。今录几篇具有时代新意的健身铭,为读者诸君的休闲生活增添乐趣。 养生铭:清晨早起,户外活动;生活规律,睡眠充足。知足常乐,烦恼不生。副食多莱豆,肉类少而精;戒烟不贪杯,补品勿滥用。身体有不适,早查清。免不当之娱乐,弃迷信之愚弄。年
Liu Yuxi, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, has a well-conceived, straightforward and modern novel, which has been widely acclaimed and popular in the world. Today recorded a few of the new era of fitness Ming, readers dignitaries leisure life to add more fun. Health Ming: early morning get up early, outdoor activities; law of life, adequate sleep. Contentment, trouble is not born. Non-staple food Dulaidou, less and less meat; quit smoking is not excessive, supplements do not abuse. Physical discomfort, early check. Improper entertainment, fooling around superstition. year