天津化工厂医院(简称天化医院)是全国大型化工企业天津渤海化工集团公司、天津化工厂隶属的二级甲等综合医院。位于天津市汉沽区,地处渤海之滨,为鱼米之乡。天化医院始建于1951年7月,历经40多年发展进程,于1985年与天津医院联合成立骨科分院。1994年6月经天津市二教局认定,汉沽区卫生局批准为天津市汉沽卫校第二教学基地。1994年9月获得国家级爱婴医院的光荣称号。1994年12月14日正式通过天津市二级甲等医院的评审。 天化医院以职业病防治为特色,集医疗、科研、教学、预防为一体,立足于本企业,面向全社会,竭诚为患者服务。医院现有职工411人,其中医、护、技人员占76.5%,有中、高级职称
Tianjin Chemical Factory Hospital (referred to as Tianhua Hospital) is a secondary A-level general hospital affiliated with Tianjin Bohai Chemical Group Corporation and Tianjin Chemical Plant. Located in the Hangu District of Tianjin, it is located on the coast of the Bohai Sea and is a land of fish and rice. Tianhua Hospital was founded in July 1951. After more than 40 years of development, it established an orthopedic branch with Tianjin Hospital in 1985. In June 1994, it was confirmed by the Tianjin Bureau of Education and Education that the Health Bureau of Hangu District was approved as the second teaching base of Tianjin Hanwei Health School. In September 1994, she was awarded the honorable title of National Baby Friendly Hospital. December 14, 1994 formally passed the assessment of Tianjin Class A hospital. Tianhua Hospital features occupational disease prevention and treatment, integrates medical treatment, scientific research, teaching, and prevention as a whole. Based on this enterprise, it is oriented to the entire society and serves the patients wholeheartedly. There are 411 employees in the hospital, of whom 76.5% are medical, nursing, and technical personnel. There are middle and senior professional titles.