在这里为广大农民朋友提供一些化肥质量的简易识别方法和注意事项, 供大家在购肥时参考。简易识别方法概括为五个字“看、摸、嗅、烧、湿”。先看。一看肥料包装。正规厂家生产的肥料,其外包装规范、结实,包装袋封口严密。一般注有生产许可证、执行标准、登记许可证、商标、产品名称、养分含量(等级)、净重、厂名、厂址等;假冒伪劣肥料的包装一般较粗糙,包装袋上信息标示不清,质量差,易破漏。二看肥料的粒度(或结晶状态)。氮肥(除石灰氮外)和钾肥多为结晶体;磷肥多为块状或粉末状的非晶体,如钙镁磷肥为粉末状,过磷酸钙则多为多孔、块状;优质复合肥粒度和比重较均一、表面光
Here for the majority of farmers to provide some simple identification methods and precautions for fertilizer quality, for everyone to refer to when purchasing fertilizer. The simple identification method is summarized as five words: “see, touch, smell, burn, and wet.” Look first. A look at fertilizer packaging. Fertilizers produced by regular manufacturers have standardized and solid packaging, and the bags are sealed tightly. Generally note production licenses, implementation standards, registration permits, trademarks, product names, nutrient content (grades), net weight, factory name, site, etc.; fake and poor fertilizers are generally rough packaging, information on the packaging bag is unclear, Poor quality, easy to leak. Second, look at the particle size (or crystalline state) of the fertilizer. Nitrogenous fertilizers (except lime nitrogen) and potash fertilizers are mostly crystals; phosphate fertilizers are mostly amorphous or powdery amorphous, such as calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizers are in powder form, superphosphates are mostly porous and lumpy; high quality compound fertilizers have grain size and specific gravity. Uniform, surface light