春天一到,在公园的花坛里,就出现了五彩缤纷的花卉,将春天装点得更加美丽动人,如鲜艳夺目的金盏菊(Calen-dula officinalis),形似鬼脸一般的三色堇(Viola tricolor)(又名蝴蝶花、鬼脸),呈粉色、红色或白色的雏菊(Bellis peren-nis)以及颜色非常丰富的金鱼草(An-tirrhinum majus),中国石竹(Dianthuschinensis),美国石竹(Dianthus barba-tus),还有那发出浓香的紫罗兰(Mat-thiola incana)等,形成一幅百花争艳的美景,使多少游人沉醉在这花的世界。
As soon as the spring comes, there are colorful flowers in the flower beds of the park, which decorate the spring more beautifully, such as the colorful Calen-dula officinalis, the grimace-faced Viola tricolor, (Also known as butterflies and grimaces), pink, red or white daisy (Bellis peren-nis), and an abundance of colors of An-tirrhinum majus, Dianthuschinensis, Dianthus barba-tus ), And the Mat-thiola incana (which emits aroma), creating a spectacular view of flowers and leaving many visitors indulge in this flower world.