
来源 :当代中国史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjh_qj
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新中国成立后,为适应军队建设的需要,国家及时提出实行义务兵役制。它的主要特征是实行定期征集、定期退役,既可以使现役部队得到充足的兵员补充,同时可以有计划地积蓄强大的、训练有素的后备兵员。1955年7月,《中华人民共和国兵役法》颁布实施,这是新中国的第一部兵役法,它标志着长期实行的志愿兵役制度的结束,这是国家军事制度的一项重大改革。虽然义务兵役制是一种比较合理的兵役制度,但在实践过程中由于缺乏经验等原因出现了一些问题。新中国成立初期,围绕预备役制度、民兵工作以及是否恢复志愿兵制等问题,经过了较长时间的探索和实践,义务兵役制得到修正和改进,符合中国实际的兵役制度逐步确立,并不断发展完善。 After the founding of new China, in order to meet the needs of army building, the state promptly put forward compulsory military service. Its main feature is the regular solicitation and regular retiring, which will allow the active forces to be adequately replenished and at the same time have a planned and well-stocked reserve of highly trained reserve personnel. In July 1955, the promulgation and implementation of the Military Service Law of the People’s Republic of China was the first military service law of New China, marking the end of the long-established system of volunteer military service. This is a major reform of the national military system. Although the compulsory military service system is a relatively reasonable military service system, some problems have arisen in practice because of lack of experience and other reasons. After the founding of New China, the compulsory military service system was amended and improved after a long period of exploration and practice around the reserve system, the militia work and the restoration of volunteer service. The military service system that accords with China was gradually established and constantly developed .
李金斗是剧团搞舞美的。县里看戏往往有这种情况,音乐一起,幕布刚刚扯开,一看到布景,观众就提前激动了,眼睛都像充了电,一个个鸭颈伸得鹅颈长。就有许多人不由自主地往后仰靠,呵地一片,啧啧叫好。金斗师傅因此很有点名气。  也是活该有事,那天吃饭,又是老一套没油炒的烂藠头。金斗看了就恶心,当即说会食死人,食得蒙眼珠打臭屁!说着说着就发起威来了,硬要老丁师傅另外炒一份。老丁说,对不住,一人难调众人味。哪个让
塔尔寺  鹰。一个银匠打磨着一把生锈的铜灯  那么遥远的纽扣  那么遥远的黄昏  秋深。秋凉  菩提树,一枚叶子,一次落日  磕长头的人啊  每一次匍匐,都是大地一次微微的隆起  抑或神,翕动眉峰  一击钟声  我想一一点亮盏盏酥油灯  我想一一转动那些转经筒  一页小窗是我的月亮  哪怕一声蝉鸣,也是我的一地月光  鹰啊,鹰啊,谁把你吹灭了  我再把你点成一部佛经  青海:多巴夜  我像是在一株
作为魏国大将,吴起率军连夺秦国五座城池,以七万之师击溃50万秦军,魏国称霸天下;身任楚国宰相,吴起推行六大改革举措,楚国由弱变强,威震诸侯。《吴起兵法》与《孙子兵法》被并称为“孙吴兵法”,享誉中外。但吴起屡建大功后,却遭人嫉恨、陷害,最终被乱箭射死,大卸八块,下场极其悲惨。  吴起一生的遭际,耐人寻味,警示、鉴戒意味深长。  以弱胜强 名扬天下  公元前440年,吴起生于战国初期的卫国左氏,今山东