莠去津(阿特拉津)在玉米田有土壤封闭和茎叶喷雾两种施药方法。通过对不同施药方法的对比试验结果表明,莠去津采用茎叶喷雾较土壤封闭好。具体表现在以下几方面: 1.见效快,效果好。每亩用40%莠去津胶悬剂200~250克于杂草3~5叶期喷雾。一周后即可见效。除草效果达到土壤处理每亩300~350克的水平。一次施药可使玉米全生育期不再需要除草。
Atrazine (atrazine) in the corn fields have closed soil and stems and leaves spraying two kinds of application methods. Through the comparison of different application methods test results show that atrazine spray stems and leaves closed better than the soil. Specific performance in the following areas: 1. Quick, effective. Per acre with 40% atrazine capsules 200 to 250 grams of weeds in 3 to 5 leaf stage spray. A week can be effective. Herbicidal effect reached 300-350 grams per acre soil level. A pesticide application will eliminate the need for weeding during the whole growing season.