卡尔·本茨(Carl Benz(1844~1929)出生在德国卡尔斯鲁厄一个手工业者家庭。他从小喜爱自然科学,修理手表得到一些零用钱。最初他在机械厂当学徒,在制秤厂里成为一名绘画者兼设计者,在桥梁建筑公司担任工长,并与公司经理的女儿贝尔塔·林格尔结了婚。不久,他自己组建铁器铸造和机械工场,曲于德国经济不景气,他的产品不能畅销,工场面临倒闭的威胁。他的妻子就变卖了嫁妆和首饰。勉强维持了下来。经过几年艰难困苦
Born in a handicraft home in Karlsruhe, Germany, Carl Benz (1844-1929), who grew up loving the natural sciences and repairing watches, got some pocket money when he first became an apprentice at a mechanic factory, Became a painter and designer, worked as a chief engineer at a bridge construction company and married Bertha Ringer, the daughter of the company manager, and soon formed his own iron foundry and mechanical workshop, , His product was not sold well and the factory was in danger of bankruptcy, his wife sold dowry and jewelery and barely maintained it. After years of hardship