小儿农药氟乙酰胺急性中毒,国内仅见零星报道。我院1990年以来采用大剂量维生素K_1为主抢救治愈11例,现作一报道。 病例与方法 一、病例:全组11例,男6例,女5例,年龄50天~8岁,平均年龄3.5岁。中毒时间:1~2小时3例,2~3小时4例,3~4小时3例,20小时以上1例。中毒途径;10例因误食含氟乙酰胺的花生米或饼干,另一例(50天)因误注1支10mg氟乙酰胺农药所致。
Pediatric pesticides fluoroacetamide acute poisoning, only sporadic domestic reports. Our hospital since 1990 using large doses of vitamin K_1-based rescue treatment of 11 cases, now make a report. Cases and methods First, the case: the whole group of 11 patients, 6 males and 5 females, aged 50 days to 8 years, with an average age of 3.5 years. Poisoning time: 1 to 2 hours in 3 cases, 2 to 3 hours in 4 cases, 3 to 4 hours in 3 cases, more than 20 hours in 1 case. Poisoning pathways; 10 cases of peanuts or crackers containing fluoride-induced acetamide, another case (50 days) due to a 10 mg fluoroacetamide pesticide mistaken note.