2016年12月24日,加完班的赵先生开车通过济南黄河大桥后,便急匆匆地往家赶,只为给孩子过个平安夜。赵先生住在济南市区,工作单位却在济阳县,每周来往于济阳和济南之间成了家常便饭。这一年对赵先生来说,最大的变化就是黄河大桥免费,这为他省了不少钱。自2016年3月16日起,济南黄河大桥、济阳黄河大桥、建邦董河大桥免费之后,给许多人带来了便利,也让济南的北跨战略迈出了实质一步。与黄河免费呼应的是,201 6年8月,济南
On December 24, 2016, after graduating Mr. Zhao drove through the Jinan Yellow River Bridge, he hurried to his house and only had a Christmas Eve for his children. Mr. Zhao lives in the urban area of Jinan, his work unit is in Jiyang County, and weekly weekly trips between Jiyang and Jinan have become commonplace. This year, Mr. Zhao, the biggest change is the Yellow River Bridge free, which saved him a lot of money. Since March 16, 2016, Jinan Yellow River Bridge, Jiyang Yellow River Bridge and Jianbang Donghe Bridge have provided convenience to many people and have taken a substantial step toward Jinan’s north-spanning strategy. Free echoes with the Yellow River is, August 2016, Jinan