一、积极实践“三个代表”,以提高职工素质和满意度为出发点 职工群众是企业的主体,是企业发展的力量源泉。没有集团内部职工的满意就没有客户的满意,离开了职工的满意,客户满意就成了无本之木,无源之水。因此,我们集团的工作就是从这个根本出发,提高职工综合素质,围绕集团经济建设中心,以职工满意度的提高为出发点,从物质上到精神上,激励职工群众的主观能动性,正确引导,调动职工的积极性,增强
I. Actively Implement “Three Represents” and Improve Staff Quality and Satisfaction As the starting point, the workers and the masses are the main body of the enterprise and the source of strength for the development of the enterprise. Without the satisfaction of employees within the group there is no customer satisfaction, leaving the satisfaction of employees, customer satisfaction has become a woodless, passive water. Therefore, our group’s work is to proceed from this fundamental point, to improve the overall quality of workers and staff, and center on the economic construction center of the Group, starting from the improvement of employees’ satisfaction and from the material and spiritual aspects, motivate the masses of workers and subjective initiative, guide and mobilize correctly The enthusiasm of workers, enhanced