潍坊市潍城区符山镇辖26个行政村,2.4万人口。全镇原有村卫生室24个,无证行医和非法药品经营点15个,平均每村医疗点1.5个。乡村医生32人,无证行医卖药人员8人,基本是一村多室,一室一人的单干形式。1995年符山镇为彻底治理行医乱、收费乱、进药渠道乱的问题,依据《医疗机构管理条例》,对农村医疗点实行关停并联,村村联办,院办院管的办法,运行1年多来收到较好效果。现将调查情况报告如下:1 基本做法
Fushan Town, Weicheng District, Weifang City administers 26 administrative villages with a population of 24,000. There are 24 village clinics in the town, 15 unlicensed medical practitioners and illegal drug operating sites, and an average of 1.5 medical centers per village. There are 32 rural doctors and 8 unlicensed doctors. The basic form is a single-room, one-room, one-room, single-person form. In 1995, Fushan Township, in order to thoroughly rectify the problems of medical treatment, disorderly charging, and disorderly access to medicines, according to the “Regulations on the Management of Medical Institutions,” the practice of implementing parallel shutdowns, rural villages, and hospitals in rural medical centers. More than 1 year of operation to receive better results. The survey is now reported as follows: 1 Basic practices