精卵混合加水后,不同时间间隔对卵施行不同持续时间的冷休克或热休克生产三倍体草鱼(Ch-neopharyngodon idella)。生产的三倍体草鱼达87%。精卵混合一分钟后的草鱼卵立刻暴露于高出周围温度(26℃)12℃的水温中持续3.5分钟处理效果最佳.将幼鱼按规格分级,用科尔特计数器和波道仪分析50—100尾/组鱼的血样,测定其倍性.剔除三倍体百分率低的不同规格的鱼组,使三倍体达到95%的群体重新放回池塘进一步生长.最后选择100%的三倍体草鱼,总体长在150—250毫米的鱼逐尾进行分析.
After the sperm-egg mixture is mixed with water, Ch-neopharyngodon idella is produced by cold shock or heat shock for different durations of the eggs at different time intervals. Production of triploid grass carp reached 87%. Immediately after exposed to a water temperature of 12 ° C above the ambient temperature (26 ° C) for one minute, grass carp eggs were mixed for one minute and treated best for 3.5 minutes. The juveniles were graded according to the specifications and analyzed with a Coulter counter and channel analyzer 50-100 tail / group of fish, determine its ploidy.Remove the low percentage of triploid fish of different sizes, so triploid 95% of the population back into the pond for further growth.Finally choose 100% of the three Ploidy grass carp, the total length of 150-250 mm of fish for end-to-end analysis.