根据近几年来高压架空电力线路的运行情况,对“高压架空电力线路设计技术规程”和“过电压保护规程”有关绝缘配合若干条文作如下修订,并通报执行: 一、关于“高压架空电力线路设计技术规程”中的有关条文: 甲、原第38条改为: 第38条电力线路绝缘子的选择,应按照下列原则进行: 1.线路直线杆塔悬垂绝缘子串的绝缘子数量,应不少于表18中的规定; 2.在20~35千伏线路上,可釆用针式絕緣子,用針式绝缘子对应釆用木横担。
According to the operation of high-voltage overhead power lines in recent years, the “High Voltage Overhead Power Line Design Technical Regulations” and “over-voltage protection regulations” with a number of provisions related to insulation with the following amendments, and informed implementation: First, on "High Voltage Overhead Power Line A, the original Article 38 should be replaced by: Article 38 The selection of power line insulators should be carried out in accordance with the following principles: 1. The number of insulators on line linear tower overhanging insulator strings shall not be less than 18 in the provisions of; 2. In the 20 ~ 35 kV lines, pin preclude the use of needle insulators, needle insulators corresponding preclude the use of wood cross-arm.