
来源 :外国法制史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sider
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一、前言南非法是普通法系、大陆法系与南非习惯法冲突与融合的产物。南非新《宪法》(1996年《宪法》)第39条第3项规定:“权利法案不否认由普通法、习惯法或法律所承认或授予的任何其他权利与自由的存在,只要它们与权利法案相一致。”①这是对南非数百年来形成的混合法格局的高度肯定。②南非宪法有着悠久的历史,早在殖民地时期,四个殖民地德兰士瓦、奥兰治自由邦、开普和纳塔尔就有了各自的宪法。从 I. Foreword South African law is a product of common law and civil law conflicts and integration with South African customary law. Article 39, paragraph 3, of the new Constitution of South Africa (1996 Constitution) states: “The Bill of Rights does not deny the existence of any other rights and freedoms recognized or granted by common law, customary law or law as long as they The Bill of Rights is consistent. ”" This is a highly affirmation of the mixed law pattern that has emerged in South Africa for centuries. ② The South African Constitution has a long history. As early as the colonial period, the four colonies of Transvaal, the Free State of Orange, Cape Town and Natal had their own constitutions. From
石油大学的家属院里住着两户人家,一家姓刘,丈夫是教书的老师,妻子王娟,人们管她叫王婶。另一家姓徐,丈夫是总务处长,妻子阎秀莲,人们管她叫阎婶。  两户人家一墙之隔,拆了墙就是一家。王婶和阎婶年轻时,是一个村里長大的好姐妹。那一年村里的徐三旺,部队集体转业去新疆石油师,急匆匆回山东老家娶走了阎秀莲。后来工人阶级领导一切的时候,徐三旺代表工宣队进驻石油大学,阎婶看教数学的刘老师人挺老实的,便把王娟介绍