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美国国家半导体公司宣布该公司的美国缅因州South Portland厂房已采用先进的0.25微米工艺技术制造生产Cyrix MⅡ及MediaGX处理器,这表明美国国家半导体这方面的生产能力已迈进新里程。该公司已开始供应样品给顾客,预期South Portland厂房可于今年9月前开始量产供货,并预计该厂房的处理器产量可在本年第四季提升至占总产量的75%。美国国家半导体设于加州的圆片研发中心早已将0.2(?)微米工艺技术进行优化,以便适用于新瑞仕处理器的设计。今年年初,设备先进的缅因州厂房亦开始改用这种0.25微米的工艺技术。美国国家半导体已成功将其0.25微米工艺技术缩小至0.22微米的水平。美国国家半导体将缅因州South Portland厂房的制成品运往其新加坡厂房进行最后测试及封装。该公司亦已在新加坡三房投下大量资本,以便尽量提高后期测试及装配的效率。美国国家半导体将会重点生产新瑞仕的MⅡ 300与333处理器及MediaGX 233与266MHz处理,预计本年稍后将推出更高速的型号。该公司改用0.25微米工艺技术之后,大幅降低两款处理器的芯片体积,较其先前的版本小25%~40%。 National Semiconductor announced that the company’s South Portland, Maine, plant has manufactured and manufactured Cyrix MII and MediaGX processors using advanced 0.25-micron process technology, which indicates that National Semiconductor’s production capacity in this area has reached a new milestone. The company has begun to supply samples to customers. It is expected that the South Portland plant will begin mass production and supply by September of this year, and it is expected that the plant’s processor output can be raised to 75% of the total output in the fourth quarter of this year. National Semiconductor’s wafer R&D center in California has already optimized 0.2 micron process technology to be suitable for the design of the new Swiss processor. Earlier this year, the state-of-the-art Maine plant also began to use this 0.25-micron process technology. National Semiconductor has successfully reduced its 0.25-micron process technology to 0.22 micron. National Semiconductor shipped the finished product from South Portland, Maine, to its Singapore facility for final testing and packaging. The company has also invested a large amount of capital in Singapore’s three rooms in order to maximize the efficiency of later testing and assembly. National Semiconductor will focus on the production of new Intel’s MII 300 and 333 processors and MediaGX 233 and 266MHz processing. It is expected that higher speed models will be introduced later this year. After switching to 0.25-micron process technology, the company significantly reduced the chip size of the two processors and was 25% to 40% smaller than its previous version.
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