This is a magical land. On this magical land, there have been many glorious days of light that made Yichang famous. Now, the tide of reform and opening up will be a new splendor on the banks of the Xiajiang River. The launch made her reap the brilliance of China and the world. Among these new glories, there was a company with a not-yet-named name - Yichang Machine Tool Industry Company. It was this humble company. In just a decade, A milestone in the history of China’s resource recycling machinery has been erected. Towards the edge Yichang City Machine Tool Industry Company was formerly known as Yichang No. 1 Machinery Factory and Yichang Machine Tool Factory. The earliest construction year was 1951, and the main product was the oil press. And flat grinding, single species, the market is crowded, strong opponents, corporate reputation is almost zero. Years long, the company developed into a company in 1982 when the merger of the company, the output value and profits and taxes are still at the bottom of the trough. Severe reality forced to declare The pilots had to re-examine their own. Two options were placed in front of them. One was to continue walking behind the other’s buttocks, and those powerful ones