为了解我区中医药人力资源现状,我局于1991年6月对全区中医药人员情况进行了调查。1 调查方法本次采用普查法。调查对象:全区各医疗卫生机构全体中医药人员。调查前统一印制了《中医药人力资源调查表》,地、县、市卫生局层层举办调查员培训班,然后由调查员将调查表发给每一个中医药人员填写,经
In order to understand the current situation of human resources in Chinese medicine in our district, the Bureau conducted a survey on the situation of Chinese medicine personnel in the region in June 1991. 1 The survey method used census method this time. Survey target: All Chinese medical and health personnel in the district’s medical and health institutions. Before the investigation, the “Traditional Chinese Medicine Human Resource Survey Form” was uniformly printed. The prefecture, county, and city health bureaus held a training class for investigators at all levels. The investigators then sent the survey form to each Chinese medicine practitioner for completion.