西汉时期,有个男子叫程文矩,为人忠厚 老实,勤劳简朴,生活比较安定。但天有不测风云,不幸妻子早逝,给他留下4个儿子。从此,程文矩疲于奔命也难以安生。后来,他续弦穆姜,使家中的孩子有人照看,家庭稍微安定一些。 不想,穆姜生下第二个孩子不久,程文
During the Western Han Dynasty, there was a man named Cheng Wen Mo, a man honest, hardworking simple, more stable life. However, there are unpredictable events, unfortunately, his wife died young, leaving him four sons. Since then, Cheng Wen-mao exhausted and hard to live in peace. Later, he continued to sing strings of ginger and ginger, making the children of the family looked after and the family slightly settled. Do not want to, Mu Jiang gave birth to a second child soon, Cheng Wen