1942年生于旧金山,成长在纽约。从斯坦福大学毕业后,去哥伦比亚大学读博士。她自述在获得学位那一天,她站在图书馆的台阶上发誓要成为一名诗人。于是,她成为了一名诗人。从1980年她出版的第一本诗集《撒旦如是说》(Satan Says)开始,几乎每本诗集都获奖。她的诗主要以她的家庭生活为题材,尤其是家庭暴力以及家庭成员间的隔膜冷淡更是她诗歌的一个重要方面。她的语言直率流畅、具有很强的感官性,而同时又巧妙地具有某种象征意味,正如某位评家所言,她的诗描绘了“家庭的爱与痛所呈现的情色图”;而她似乎不经意地偶然撩起日常生活的帷幕,让其背后的图景一闪,使得细心的读者不得不承认每人的私人生活都可能具有
Born in 1942 in San Francisco, grew up in New York. After graduating from Stanford University, went to Columbia University Ph.D. She recited that on the day her degree was awarded, she vowed to become a poet by standing on the steps of the library. So, she became a poet. Starting with her first book, Satan Says, published in 1980, she won almost every collection of poems. Her poems mainly focus on her family life, especially the domestic violence and the cold septum between family members. She is also an important aspect of her poetry. Her language is straightforward, has a strong sense of senses, and yet at the same time subtly has a symbolic meaning, as one commentator has put it, in which her poem portrays “the erotic images of family love and pain” "And she seems to inadvertently lifted the curtain of everyday life, twinkling the picture behind her, so careful readers have to admit that each person’s private life may have