Radon bearing water protection in underground uranium mining-A case study

来源 :International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luzihao009
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High pressure, radon bearing water has been identified as one of the most critical challenges in mining the high-grade uranium deposit at the Mc Arthur River Operation, Cameco Corporation. The ore deposits are located between 490 and 640 m below the surface and surrounded by water bearing Athabasca sandstone, a graphitic P2 fault zone, and highly altered ground. This paper introduces the inflow risk management program at Mc Arthur River Operation, which includes various hydrogeological challenges and the corresponding strategies applied, such as risk-based probe and grout programs(geological, hydrogeological, and geotechnical), ground freezing programs, and comprehensive ground control programs. These programs have been developed, tested, and proven successful over years of mining practices. Working with this world class deposit of high risk and low tolerance, it is believed that these experiences might be beneficial to other mining operations with similar hydrogeological characteristics. High pressure, radon bearing water has been identified as one of the most critical challenges in mining the high-grade uranium deposit at the Mc Arthur River Operation, Cameco Corporation. The ore deposits are located between 490 and 640 m below the surface and surrounded by This paper introduces the inflow of risk management program at Mc Arthur River Operation, which includes various hydrogeological challenges and the corresponding strategies applied, such as risk-based probes and grout programs (geological, hydrogeological, and geotechnical), ground freezing programs, and comprehensive ground control programs. These programs have been developed, tested, and proven successful over years of mining practices. Working with this world class deposit of high risk and low tolerance, it is believed that these effects might be beneficial to other mining operations with similar hydrogeological characteristi cs.
目的 探讨早发冠心病患者的危险因素及冠状动脉的病变特征。方法 选择早发冠心病128例患者作为观察组,选择同期体检的健康人128例作为对照组,比较两组间的发病因素和冠状动脉的病变特征,分析相关因素。结果 两组BMI、高血压、吸烟、肥胖和家族史差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);观察组TC、TG、LDL-C、ApoB、Lp和Fib均较对照组升高(均P<0.05);观察组HDL-C和ApoA1均较对照