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岁末这天早晨,王一村搭着拉矿石的便车回家过年了。按路程和时间计算,说啥在下午两点左右就能赶到玉门,然后消停去坐发往瓜州的班车,不到天黑就能回到家。但在半路上,拉矿石的车出了毛病,耽搁了好长时间,赶到玉门的时候,太阳的一半已经跌到了地平线下。王一村下了车,忘了向司机说声谢就急着往班车站跑。可跑到车站,不仅候车室锁了门,连停车场的大门也锁上了,门两边还贴上了过年的对联。他心里一紧,怀着侥幸的心思赶到公路边,希望有过路的班车出现。 On the morning of the end of this year, Wang Yihuan took a luncheon to pick up the ore and went home for the holidays. Calculated by distance and time, what can be said in the afternoon about two o’clock Yumen, and then stopped to send to the train to Guazhou, less than dark will be able to get home. However, on the halfway, pulled the ore car out of order, delayed for a long time, arrived in the Yumen when half of the sun has fallen below the horizon. Wang a village got off the car, forgot to say thank you to the driver on the rush to the bus stop. Can run to the station, not only the waiting room locked the door, even the parking lot is also locked on the door, both sides of the door also labeled the New Year couplets. His heart a tight, with lucky thoughts rushed to the side of the road, hoping to have the shuttle bus appeared.
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梅山炼钢厂2月份生产再创新高。月产钢水93752t,连铸坯83790t,计划完成率104.7%,创造了投产以来月产最高记录,并实现月达产。 2月份生产的主要钢种为Q235A、Q195、SPHC,各项
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