血液系统用药近几年更迭较快,许多新药、进口药因疗效好和质量佳而代替了老药和国产药。为了全面了解血液病房的用药,根据血液病房2个月用药清单,采用WHO(世界卫生组织)推荐的“约定日剂量”的分析方法,同时结合日用药金额、总金额等指标,对血液病房的药品使用情况进行统计分析。 一、统计方法: 1.根据北京协和医院药剂科编译的《药品的解剖学和化学分类和规定日剂量》一书确定DDD数据,书中空缺
Drugs in the blood system change rapidly in recent years, many new drugs, imported drugs because of good efficacy and good quality and replace the old drugs and domestic drugs. In order to fully understand the blood ward’s medication, according to the blood ward 2-month medication list, the WHO (World Health Organization) recommended “agreed daily dose” analysis method, combined with the amount of daily medication, the total amount of other indicators, blood ward Statistical analysis of drug use. First, the statistical methods: 1. According to the Beijing Union Medical College Hospital Pharmacy compiled “Anatomy and Chemical Classification and the prescribed daily dose,” a book to determine DDD data, the book vacancy