金圣叹说,旅游者要有“眉下之一双别眼,心中之一副别才”,才能慧眼识珠,洞察到风光名胜的玄妙之处。我虽无这“二别”,但如果要我评价苍山林莽,重峦叠嶂,山谷河流,谁最崇高和伟大,我将毫不犹豫地倾心山谷。虽然它低卧于高山足下,但它富饶美而,足以耐人吟唱。 水,是世界上的生命起源,在万山丛中唯有山谷中有丰富的水,水从泉洞中哗哗涌出,水在小溪里潺潺弹唱。古人云:“得水而兴,弃水而亡。”画龙点睛,论述精当。山谷中品类众多的
Golden Shengtan said that tourists should have “one under the eyebrows and one pair of do not double their eyes”. Although I do not have this “two other”, but if I want to evaluate Cangshan forest relics, mountains, valleys, who is the most noble and great, I will not hesitate to heart valley. Although it is lying low in the mountains, it is rich and beautiful, enough to tolerate singing. Water is the origin of life in the world. In the mountains there is only abundant water in the valleys, water splashes from the spring caves, and water sings in the creek. The ancients said: “get water and Xing, abandoned the water and died.” Finishing touch, elaborate on the best. A large variety of valleys