1.INTRODUCTIONRadiowave encounters absorption by gaseous molecules during propagation through the at-mosphere at frequencies above 10GHz.Investigations on that have been made in China since theearly eighties measurements of the attenuation by atmospheric gases have been made at 9.375GHz and 22.235 GHz by the China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation(CRIRP)witha special radio telescope which is an equatorial mounting with a“waiting mode”to observe the
1.INTRODUCTIONRadiowave encounters absorption by gaseous molecules during propagation through the at-mosphere at frequencies above 10GHz. Investigations on that have been made in China since the eighty-eight measurements of the attenuation by atmospheric gases have been made at 9.375GHz and 22.235 GHz by the China Research Institute of Radiowave Propagation (CRIRP) witha special radio telescope which is an equatorial mounting with a “waiting mode ” to observe the